Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Where did my Yelp Reviews go?

As I write this article, I am in literally sitting at an Internet Sales 20 Group where my colleagues and I are sharing best practices with over 50 dealers.  It seems that auto dealers are concerned more about their online reputation now than ever before.  While it is great to see dealers place a focus on it there still needs to be a structure in place that will create a strong reputation for the dealership.  Once a structure is in place, managing an online reputation is actually a very simple process.

The big issue that dealers are having is that they are losing their Yelp review visibility.  They have been focusing so much on Yelp those they had a lot of reviews get posted and then taken down.  This is a similar problem to have been going on with Google.  Let me explain the problem.  We all know that our industry has been labeled in negative ways by consumers for many years now.  Well, just like the consumer put a label on us, the review sites have done something similar by being cautious with what gets put out there.  When dealers are getting a lot of reviews coming in within a short period of time, sites like Google and Yelp get weary of the situation and question the validity of the reviews.

Yelp has been archiving reviews and showing very few.  It has been really upsetting dealers and I have heard this numerous times in the last two days.  I am here to tell you that there is nothing to stress over.  There are many schools of thought of how to manage the dealership’s online reputation.  I believe that dealerships need to diversify their reputation.  What do I mean about “diversify”?  Just like when you’re building a financial portfolio to manage investments of stocks, equity, money markets, and your bank account.  You need to have a strategy for managing reviews.  While Yelp and Google are great; they are only a few key players.  Take a look at, Yahoo local,, AutoTrader, DealerRater (it still works),, City Search, and Merchant Circle just for starters.

It sounds like a lot of sites to be on but hear me out.  Create a strategy where every week or two the dealership focuses on having reviews posted on a different site.  For example, week 1 reviews are to be put on Google, week 2 we focus on DealerRater, week 3 we focus on Yelp, week 4 is for Yelp, and so on.  Now that you diversified your reviews take it one step further, create numerous blogs using platforms like Posterous, Tumblr, WordPress, and Google’s BlogSpot.  Once they are created, you can tie them in with facebook and twitter.  Now you can copy over the reviews into the blog format and repost them.  These build a huge buzz online while spreading your content all over the internet and improving your search engine rankings.  Take it even one more step further be developing a strategy to get live video testimonials from customers who buy and services vehicles at the dealership.  That strategy is simple and will go a very long way.  These videos should also be syndicated on blogs after posting them on Youtube and other major video sharing sites.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Transforming The Dealership Part 2 - A Live Week By Week Case Study (Dealer eTraining)

Welcome to Part 2 of what is a major real live hands on case study.  Last week I wrote Part 1.  For those of you that missed it, click here to catch up on what you may have missed.

We ended last week with starting to get more social media plans installed.  We also started a picture and video policy.  However, The major thing was CRM and digital marketing this week. 


I narrowed down three choices of CRM companies that integrate with the DMS that dealership is using.  It is not a common DMS like ADP, Reynolds, or Arkona even.  We learned that the DMS only works properly with only 3 CRM companies.  The CRM Companies are eLead, VinSolutions, and CAR-Research.  All three companies have something great to offer.  We made the decision to stop being the pilot for the DMS company that was using this dealership to develop their CRM.  They are light years away from where everyone else is in the marketplace.  I came to a conclusion that we have no accountability in the dealership and nothing can be measured.  I noticed that the sales desk does a great job and so do F&I.  Now with processes, accountability, and reporting I think that this store can sell and additional 10-20 units per month.

After numerous conversations and demos of CRM products we decided on eLead.  I have been a customer of eLead in the past and have great relationships.  I wanted VinSolutions because Vin had some cool features that no one else has.  However, the owner of the dealership liked the functions of eLead and felt that it was simpler for the showroom.  Their opinion was that Vin worked well for someone on a high level like me.  I liked CAR-Research too but we all agreed that for what we need eLead would be the right fit.  Also, eLead has agreed to do install in the beginning of November where no one else could accommodate the owner's quick need.

Next --->


So we signed a contract for the CRM and that is in the works.  The next aspect that is important is to really make the dealership website great.  The challenge is that it is OEM mandated and certain things are not able to be done while others are being developed as we speak.

We have begun the process of changing and updating employee pictures and bios.  The way that we get employee bios is that we have a questionnaire in their employee packet that they need to fill out when they start employment here.  I revised the questions to make better bios.  The owner liked how another dealership on the West Coast had their staff page so we started to research how we can get a similar page built.  If I can get the owner to agree in the near future, I would like to add videos next to the employee picture and bio of each employee.

We are reconfiguring buttons on the website to make it easier to navigate and have better call to actions.  We want to stand out from competitors and really be unique.

Other best practices that I started working on are basically because I love the way that Checkered Flag in Virginia Beach has their website providing major transparency with things like a "women's page" or a page explaining "taxes and fees".  This dealership is active in the community so we are working on making these efforts stand out as well.  I have been working on content because I do not want to be a copycat but I love the ideas and would love to use them since very few (literally) dealers on this planet are that much outside the box.

I noticed that the dealership had no specials for pre-owned and service.  I got with the used car manager and we had 8 vehicles that are aged units that he wants to just sell and move on.  I created specials with comments.  The page got filled up nicely and now the site has more great content.  After that I got with service manager and went over some promotions that he gave me.  The site now has 7 service specials.  That's right I said "SEVEN".  Dealerships miss out on opportunities by not updating service specials or keeping 1 generic special.

Social Media:

I have not begun to focus on Facebook, twitter, and G+ but will add my focus when I get back from Internet Sales 20 Group next week.  However, I have created a blogging strategy that I love.  It includes content syndication and it spreads the content virally.  For those of you that would like to know how I do that, just take a look at how I have been marketing my own business (Dealer eTraining).  I believe that content needs to be visible and easy to find.  I have employed the same strategy to brand my own name and get known by industry people at conferences in the last 4 years.  The strategy is to connect multiple social networks and blogs together using one platform.  For blogs, I use posterous, blogspot, wordpress, and tumblr.  I will have the dealership outsourced graphic designer work on designing these blogs so they look amazing.  We have been adding content that includes videos, pictures, spy photos, community events, celebrity information, interesting news, dealership information, and just anything that will catch people's eyes and create engagement.  It has only been 1 week so I cannot report changes yet.  However, over time we should see a big increase.  Every blog is optimized with proper keywords, backlinks, and content.

I got the dealership signed up with Pinterest and read a lot on it.  I saw what Jim Ziegler has been teaching and saw how major Pinterest players operated to drive traffic.  I implemented the strategy and it took me all of 2 hours.  The Pinterest profile now has over 50 images and some were re-pinned while others were originally and strategically posted to drive traffic to the dealership website.  As time progresses we will continue to optimize the profile even further.


I got started on a basic cost effective VSEO strategy.  Last week we implemented a strategy to have sales people fill out a form.  We revised the form to have 8 questions with a waiver.  We have started gaining traction and filmed a few happy customers.  The testimonials got uploaded to not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 of the most power video search engines out there.  We took these testimonials and created blog content on our syndicated channels as well.  We used sites like youtube, vimeo, daily motion, and metacafe.

I did some research the other day to see which photo sharing sites are best for seo and everything else and as always Flickr was the choice.  I started a Flickr account and had 40 pictures optimized for starters.  I also connected Flickr with Pinterest as they work well together.  I discovered this by researching it and reading about it.  We take pictures of guests at delivery time.

Traditional Advertising:

The dealership advertises in the local newspaper on weekends.  Last week when I was given the advertisement I saw a few major things missing.  The dealership advertised their local number and there was no call tracking to see how many calls we get off the advertisement.  Well I noticed that our current call monitoring solution has 2 extra phone numbers not being used so I placed one of the numbers to start tracking those calls.  I also saw no QR codes (no surprise).  A lot of dealerships still do not know much about it.  I looked over the ads for all competing dealerships in the area and no one else had QR codes.  I created a QR code for new car inventory on the dealer website as well as a separate one for used inventory and placed them on the add next to new and pre-owned.

Local Brochure:

The owner of the dealership was getting her nails done and saw a plain brochure at the salon.  She brought it to my attention and would like something similar but created.  I started working on ideas on how to digital enhance it with QR codes, social media, and an online reputation, all in a fold-able brochure.

Dealership Process and Operations:

Last night I was handed a book from the OEM that goes to the owner of the dealership.  It talks about performance of sales, internet lead management, and service.  It has national averages, store averages, and goals of what needs to be accomplished.  I even got to read the customer comments to gather an idea of what practices that I need to fix and train on in the store so that we can improve the customer experience in the store while creating better communication.  In the next few weeks I will be training various departments on CRM, communication, and best customer practices.

So far...that is all we have for the first 2 weeks.  I feel like we have already come a very long way.  It is exciting for me because I get back to my roots of not only digital marketing and managing Internet operations but I get to focus on store processes.  I really love what I do and I am passionate about it.  If anyone has questions, always feel free to contact me.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Automotive Internet Sales is a Media Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012

Automotive Internet Sales Automotive Internet Sales is your Online Resource for everything Internet Sales related.

Automotive Internet Sales is a Media Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012

Founders Sean V Bradley, Karen Bradley, and Stan Sher are speakers and organizers of this event.

Registrations are now open for Internet Sales 20 Group.  Contact Stan Sher at (732)925-8362 or for a discount code and details on the event.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Social Dealer is an Industry Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012

Reach Local SOCIALDEALER is a reputation and social media management platform created to help automotive dealers easily manage their social profiles, customer reviews, content and even engage with consumers.

Social Dealer is an industry Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012

Registrations are now open for Internet Sales 20 Group.  Contact Stan Sher at (732)925-8362 or for a discount code and details on the event.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cactus Sky Communications is a Media Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012

Cactus Sky Cactus Sky is a Full Service Digital Marketing Agency that specializes in the integration of all the available advertising mediums.

Cactus Sky Communications is a Media Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012

Peter Martin, the CEO of Cactus Sky Communications is a speaker at this event.

Registrations are now open for Internet Sales 20 Group.  Contact Stan Sher at (732)925-8362 or for a discount code and details on the event.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Transforming The Dealership Part 1 - A Live Week By Week Case Study (Dealer eTraining)

Welcome to Part 1 of what will be a major real live hands on case study.  Less than 2 weeks ago, I was contacted by a dealer principal of a dealership within an hour from my home.  The owner is a female and a real entrepreneur that is a partner in two other dealerships and also owns a wireless retail business with multiple locations.  The store is a family environment and has been in business for over 30 years under her control.

She was looking for someone to come in and really help the dealership with all of the marketing efforts.  This includes communications, vendor relationship, and advertising budget and oversees the internet sales operations of the store.  This was because she wanted to get a better grasp on things and make improvements.  The person in this role would also be in charge of events for the store as well as local events.

As we make progress in the dealership, I think it would be great to document and write out the changes on a weekly basis.  Consider it like a new chapter of a book to entertain yourself and learn how you can make positive changes in a dealership that bring improvements on many levels including profitability, accountability, a better brand for the OEM, and a better image for the dealership as a whole.  This will include helping to create more proactive employees.

We will not be disclosing names of employees, or the dealership for various reasons.  I want to keep it exciting and new.  When the time is right all will be revealed.

So let's get started...

It has been five days since I got involved with working with the dealership.  Here is what I gathered so far.

The sales department:

1 General Sales Manager (3 Years longevity))

1 Sales Manager (9 years longevity)

1 Finance Manager (few years longevity)

8 Sales Consultants (1-5 years longevity)

1 Internet Coordinator (was 2 but 1 quit during the week) - Here for over 1 year,

The dealership sells around 100 units per month with 60-65 being new and 30-40 being used at around a $2,000 average per car.

Website: (OEM Mandated)
Digital Marketing: OEM Mandated
Social Media Presence: Facebook and Twitter with limited engagement
CRM: A test pilot CRM for this dealership.  The CRM is a new product that comes as an add on to the DMS.  The DMS is not a well known common company.  The DMS works great but the CRM gives nothing but trouble.  It is missing more than 50% of the features that it needs to be fully functional.  In addition, it is server based.

Process: No set process.  No tracking of phone calls, internet leads, appointments, set, show.
Sales Process: Sales works well as the GSM does a great job putting deals

The Service Department

1 Service Manager (over 13 years here)

3 Service Advisors

1 Parts Manager

2 Parts Counter Reps


The first order of business:

1) Fix and properly optimize Website

2) Fix and properly optimize CRM

3) Get involved in all marketing and advertising initiatives (meet the vendors)

4) Create plan to measure advertising activity

5) Get sales department on board with reputation management and video testimonial strategy


What have we accomplished in the first 5 days?

Website: We did a full scope of the website and communicated with the rep.  We started to make plans to make certain changes and additions based on some best practices that we found from other dealers on a national level.  Right now we are creating content to be approved by the owner of the dealership before we push it to get setup and go live.

CRM: We discovered that the CRM has been holding the dealership back for over 1 year now.  Everyone in the store complains about it and for the first time we see why.  We had internet leads not coming through.  We had server crashes.  The tool does not allow for certain functions to happen.  I was able to convince the owner to look at options.  We started evaluating other options and will soon come an agreement.  Meanwhile, a major conference call with the current CRM Company included the development team and key executives.  This call allowed me to tell them everything that I need; I used examples from VinSolutions, iMagic, eLead, HigherGear, WebControl AVV, and a few others.  I was told that they will build it for me and within months I will see changes while other changes will take place within a days.

Advertising: Had numerous conference calls with OEM, local newspaper representative,, Digital "Behavioral" Marketing services reps, and CRM to review and learn analytic reports.

Management: Work closely with General Sales Manager to help take his mind off of a lot of advertising issues.  Create a plan to work together and help each other in building the success of the dealership further.  The GSM is fully on board with everything and is also a key decision maker in the store.

Owner: Very open minded and over worked.  She is involved in tell me what she wants to accomplish.  When trying to setup proven email templates and process she got involved and made opinions of her own where some of the templates she was not fond of and others we made changes together as a team.  As the relationship grows she will relinquish more power when she feels comfortable.  Based on our conversations and my actions with vendors she is starting to understand that I am the real deal and I know what I am doing.

Internet Department: Once the CRM situation stabilizes we will be able to get processes in place and know what we are dealing with in terms of lead count, tracking, and performance.  We will then try to build up the department accordingly.  The current Internet Coordinator explains his views and hope for better changes,

Sales People: They are excited to see a marketing initiative come into place that will help them market themselves at a level they never thought possible.  It is an easy going environment and when it is slow no one is being proactive.  As we implement digital strategies and train them on effective prospecting techniques we should see them become better modern sales professionals.  Eventually we will train them to use their digital tools in order to be better.

Social Media: We are creating video channels on various networks (YouTube, daily motion, metacafe, video).  We are also starting to gather images and create a flick account.  The twitter and facebook page is being managed by our graphic designer.  We met and will be creating neat logos and advertising campaigns.  We will soon take over managing the facebook and twitter while planning on creating syndicated blogs in the next few days.

Reputation Management: Created Quality Control Survey that every customer in Sales needs to read and fill out.  The Survey has 7 questions that includes rating dealership experience, commenting on it, recommending the sales professional, and learning what they liked the most about their experience.  In addition, we ask for permission to take a photograph of them with their new car to be emailed to them and used in social media.  We also ask for permission to take a video testimonial.  It comes with a disclaimer notice which the customer will sign.  Afterwards, we will either take a picture and video or we will not based on the customer's permission.  I had explained to the sales consultants how some of the most successful sales people in the business do it and they were very much excited.

So far...that is all we have for the first week.  Stay tuned as we make forward strides in the dealership.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Auto Success is a Media Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012

AutoSuccess AutoSuccess delivers a high-impact avenue for companies to showcase their product or service that can improve business nationwide.

Auto Success Magazine is a Media Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012

Susan Given, the publisher of Auto Success is a speaker at this event.

Registrations are now open for Internet Sales 20 Group.  Contact Stan Sher at (732)925-8362 or for a discount code and details on the event.

Thursday, October 11, 2012 is an Industry Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012 Use to search 2.6 million new & used car listings or get a dealer quote. Our easy-to-use online tools put you a step ahead in your next vehicle. is an industry Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012

Registrations are now open for Internet Sales 20 Group.  Contact Stan Sher at (732)925-8362 or for a discount code and details on the event.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Car Chat 24 is an Industry Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012

Founded by car dealers, for car dealers, CarChat24 is a leading provider of Auto Dealer Chat Solutions. CarChat24 helps dealers sell more vehicles by converting a higher percentage of their website visitors into quality leads.

Car Chat 24 is an industry Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012

Registrations are now open for Internet Sales 20 Group.  Contact Stan Sher at (732)925-8362 or for a discount code and details on the event.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Message from Stan Sher To Get Inspired Through Excitement

A message from Stan Sher, the founder of Dealer eTraining and Stan Sher Consulting.  The story and explanation of the message is to let you know that the only way you can continue to grow and be the best is by simply getting excited.  Create opportunities through learning, trying new things, and avoiding being stale at all costs.  Your craft will continue to be fun.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Stan Sher Of Dealer eTraining To Present At GNYADA

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The Greater New York Automotive Dealers Association (GNYADA) will have Stan Sher, President of Dealer eTraining; will be a speaker and facilitator for a powerful a workshop this month. Stan Sher will present on Internet Lead Management Strategies at the Center for Automotive Education & Training in Queens on October 11. Attendees are encouraged to be prepared to take serious notes as they will learn some effective and unique strategies for handling internet leads at the dealership.  We encourage dealers to send Sales, Internet Sales, and BDC managers as well as representatives to attend the session as they are the people that handle internet leads back at the store.

This session will discuss the Dealer eTraining 180 Internet Lead Management process as well as effective use of CRM/ILM and email marketing.  We will focus on how to measure benchmarks based on manufacturer requirements for dealership compliancy as well as analyzing the individual marketplace to create a custom process at the dealership.  One of the unique takeaways is the part of the session that will train attendees on how to use effective social media strategies and mobile devices to increase customer engagement and follow up effectiveness.  It is not just about getting an internet lead, sending a few emails and making a few phone calls.  Now more than ever, dealers need to execute a proper and efficient plan to be on top of their game.  Being on top of your game means having a better image in the eyes of the consumer.

Stan Sher to Speak On Internet Lead Management Strategies for GNYADA

Those who attend this seminar will walk away with very strong insight and more knowledge of how to improve results that ultimately end up in an increase of dealer profits and employee pay.

Plus, attendees will be able to network with Stan Sher and build a relationship where they are free to contact Stan at anytime with questions and need for advice.

The price of this three-hour seminar is just $85, an unbelievable value for such an important topic. This hands-on approach will give everyone who attends the opportunity to learn effective Internet Lead Management. Stan is known for building successful internet sales and BDC departments in dealerships all over the nation.  His most recent dealer success story is a local NY Honda dealership where he helped grow Internet Sales from 30 to over 62 units per month.

To learn more about this seminar, call 718-640-2000 or visit to sign up!


Sean V Bradley of Dealer Synergy To Speak At Internet Sales 20 Group October 23 - 25, 2012


Sean V. Bradley has been in the Automotive Internet Sales and Business Development arena for over thirteen and half years. Sean V. Bradley is a pioneer in Automotive Internet Sales, Business Development and Digital Marketing. As one of the Automotive industry’s leading subject matter experts he has written for over 13 national publications, has a column in AutoSuccess Magazine and is currently finalizing his first book on Automotive Digital Marketing (To be released at NADA 2013). Sean has spoken to over 75 NADA and NCM dealer 20 groups in the last couple of years. Sean has been an expert speaker for every relevant conference in the Automotive Industry like the JD Power and Associates Internet Round Table, The Digital Dealer Conference as a “General Assembly Speaker” and of course as an official NADA convention speaker 3 years in a row.

Do not miss this event.  For more information, please visit the website, or contact Stan Sher directly at (732)925-8362 /

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Karen Bradley of Dealer Synergy To Speak At Internet Sales 20 Group October 23 - 25, 2012

Karen M Bradley

President of Dealer Synergy, Karen Bradley is also a certified FranklinCovey trainer, and contributor to National Auto Magazines. A graduate from Drexel University, Karen is a member of the National Speakers Association and a high level Internet Sales 20 Group Speaker.

Do not miss this event.  For more information, please visit the website, or contact Stan Sher directly at (732)925-8362 /

Linkedin YouTube

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

AutoUSA is an Industry Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012

Auto USA

AutoUSA, America’s Best Source of Online Customers is an online lead-referral service connecting customers who shop for new vehicles on the internet.

AutoUSA Inc is an industry Sponsor for the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago October 23-25th, 2012

Registrations are now open for Internet Sales 20 Group.  Contact Stan Sher at (732)925-8362 or for a discount code and details on the event.

Monday, October 1, 2012

DealerSocket - Apple Honda Riverhead NY Case Study


Apple Honda Wins automotive internet sales Dealership of the Month Using DealerSocket CRM

Eric Nichols serves as Internet sales manager for Apple Honda in Long Island, NY. A month before Nichols began his position in April 2011, Apple Honda made the switch to DealerSocket because “…from what I understand, the old CRM (Reynolds & Reynolds Contact Management) was not doing its job. There wasn’t any note-taking capabilities, no accountability.”

When asked how DealerSocket has assisted with Apple Honda’s Internet sales success, Nichols stated, “It not only has to do with the power of the CRM, but also the processes we put into place with our consultants, which the CRM helps us execute.”

Specifically, Nichols attributes Apple Honda’s 52 Internet deals per month with a staff of 2.5 reps to DealerSocket and its integration with VAuto. Sales managers input all trade-ins to VAuto, allowing them to potentially work two deals with one customer. The two-deal-per-one-customer scenario is executed when a trade-in happens to be a vehicle that a different customer or prospect within DealerSocket wants to purchase.

Nichols is not only pleased with DealerSocket’s ability to increase Internet sales, “but sales in all departments, such as lease, unsold prospects, etc…”

Nichols’ Best Practices for Utilizing DealerSocket

“Every prospect is put into DealerSocket by the receptionist, no matter how many times
they have visited the dealership. This has really helped us with our follow-up process. The
Sales Tracking Report is always open on my computer, and it helps monitor what’s going
on. We have implemented an extended follow-up process, where we now follow up with our
lease portfolio for a year and 180 days for all of our Internet leads.”


Eric Nichols also attributes Apple Honda’s success while using DealerSocket to his consultants (Dealer eTraining), who are “always on the phone and always willing to help—great customer service.”


Testimonial: “I have worked with lots of CRMs in my automotive career, and DealerSocket’s
the best I’ve worked with, by far.” -Eric Nichols, Apple Honda

Bill Finocchiaro President of Peruzzi Toyota Scion To Speak At Internet Sales 20 Group October 23 - 25, 2012

Bill Finicchiaro

Bill Finocchiaro, President of Peruzzi Toyota went from 15 units to over 115 units online per month. His success earned him a featured cover story in Auto Dealer Monthly Magazine. His Dealership was also featured as AIS’s Dealership of the Month in November 2011. Bill, a graduate from West Chester University is a high level dealership speaker and nationally recognized.

Do not miss this event.  For more information, please visit the website, or contact Stan Sher directly at (732)925-8362 /

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